Alaska Career Information System (AKCIS)

800-441-2962 option #3 or email: akcis@alaska.gov



Student Login Information

If you are a student, you should initially log in through your school's account.

If you are unsure whether your school is registered as an AKCIS site, ask a teacher or school counselor. If they are not a registered AKCIS site, contact akcis@alaska.gov so AKCIS staff can discuss the benefits of becoming a registered AKCIS site with your school’s staff.

  • If you are logged in through the correct school, your teachers and counselors can post important messages and reminders to your Portfolio.
  • You can have access to class, and grade appropriate, Career Plans uploaded by your teachers. This helps you and complete college and career preparation on time.
  • Your school administrators can help you if you forget your username or password.
  • After you log in to AKCIS for the first time under your school's account, you should immediately create a Portfolio. View the Portfolio QuickStart for step by step instructions.
  • When you create your own Portfolio, you will create a personal username and password. In the future, you should always use this new username and password to directly log into your AKCIS Portfolio.
  • A Portfolio account allows you to save School and Career information, Self-Survey results, courses, resume information and more.
  • If your school district uses Clever for single sign-on to applications, search “AKCIS” in your App Gallery.
  • Contact your school and ask a teacher or staff member to give you the username and password for your school's AKCIS account. Log in using the username and password provided to you.
  • If you are not enrolled in a school with an active AKCIS account, or if you are working with another agency for career and education planning assistance, you can still become an AKCIS user. Contact the AKCIS Help Desk at AKCIS@alaska.gov for access to the Alaska High School account.
  • Easy! Just transfer your portfolio to your new school’s account, or the account for your local job center or other community organization.
  • Contact the AKCIS Help Desk at AKCIS@alaska.gov for assistance transferring your Portfolio.